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Drone Detection And Tracking From 10Km…. TORIS Develops AI Based Radar

More than 3 times the performance of global companies World’s highest level… Expect exports

3 times detecting range than global radar manufacturing company’ radar World class radar…Export expected On 25th of October , Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology (DGIST) has announced that their start-up company “TORIS” has developed world’s best drone detecting technology and demonstrated its capabilities.

On 22nd of October, TORIS has held a anti-drone radar demonstration session at Goheung Drone Center. During the demonstration, TORIS has successfully detect, identify and track drones (RCS  0.03㎡) at a distance of 13Km and 10Km with DJI Phantom 4 (RCS  0.01㎡) respectively. Considering that one of the global anti-drone radar company “B” radar’s detecting range is 3Km, it has 3 times higher detecting range. TORIS has further explained that during 40 minutes of demonstration, it was able to detect drones flying over the Goheung Bay, land and terrains. Thus, it was also able to detect drones flying across the radar.

TORIS’s anti-drone radar is A.I (Artificial Intelligence) based AESA (Active electronically scanned array) radar and it is capable of detecting not only small drones but also land vehicles and small boats in the ocean through AI filtering technology. TORIS was established in 2020 by Dr. Oh based on AESA drone detecting technology by himself. In 2021, the company has participated in DAPA’s (Defense Acquisition Program Administration) Rapid Acquisition Program where they have successfully delivered and proved their radar capabilities to Repulic of Korea military. Since then, TORIS  has consistently conducted internal research & developement to enhance their radar capabilities.

During the interview, Dr. Oh has commented that the company has built a radar prototype for mass production and expect to have a factory ready by early 2024. He has also added that “A.I based radar with 13Km detection range is by far world’s best anti-drone radar and he expects the radar to contribute in leading K- Defense export.

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